
Alex Conu is an award winning photographer, based in Norway. He is originally from Romania and was born in 1983. Alex has been interested in Astronomy since he was 5, when he saw a very bright Perseid fireball. Today, he’s a well known amateur astronomer.

Alex is a member of TWAN, a program to create and exhibit a collection of stunning landscape astrophotographs and time-lapse videos of the world’s most beautiful and historic sites against a nighttime backdrop of stars, planets and celestial events. TWAN is a bridge between art, humanity, and science.

Alex’s astrophotos have been published in many magazines, including National Geographic, Sky and Telescope, The Sky at Night etc or leading astronomy websites like NASA’s APOD, spaceweather.com, USRA’s EPOD etc. Alex is the overall winner of The International Earth and Sky Contest 2016. In 2013, 2014 and 2016, Alex was a finalist of  the Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest and in 2014 won second place in the International Earth and Sky Contest.

Besides photography, Alex also holds a degree in Astrophysics, thus having a deeper understanding of the astronomical phenomena he photographs.

Usually, Alex uses lightweight equipment for his astrophotos. His favourite tracking platform is a Fornax LighTrack II mount, that can easily fit in a small backpack. Alex is deeply in love with his Pentax 75 SDHF refractor.

Conu is a member in the jury of the National Astrophotography Contest ASTROFOTO organised by SARM, in Romania. Alex collaborates with many astronomical institutions and associations from allover the world.

Throughout the time, he’s been involved in countless public outreach events in astronomy. He was one of the most active promoters of astronomy in Romania, during the International Year of Astronomy – IYA 2009.

Alex is, also, one of the authors at PhotographingSpace.com, the best online resource for night sky photography resources and tutorials — for astrophotographers, by astrophotographers!

He is also interested in visual astronomy and is an active observer in fields like comets, meteors, deep sky objects, eclipses or grazing occultations.

In his everyday life, Alex is a freelance photographer. You can visit his personal website at www.alexconu.com.

Contact: contact@alexconu.com, +47 400 51 847

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Astronomers Without Borders