With all the buzz created by the press around the Super Moon, let’s try and do something interesting with it. Shoot an image of the Moon at perigee and another one at apogee. You’ll end up with an image showing the apparent difference in size between the “Super” and “Micro” Moons. Date and place: May 5/November 28 2012; Bucharest, Romania Camera: Canon EOS 5D Lens: Skywatcher 70mm Exposure: 37 x 1/60 Aperture: 12.8 ISO: 100
The disk of the Sun photographed in white light. I used a solar filter to take the shot. Never look at the Sun or take photos of it without proper filtration. Use filters specially designed for safe solar viewing. Date and place: August 2 2005; Crasna, Romania Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel Telescope: 10″ Meade LX50 Exposure: 1/1000 Aperture: 10 ISO: 100